
Thank you for visiting! Walking the Walk is meant to be a source to assist you in your quest for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Through my own lifestyle, I hope to give you creative ideas that make adopting a healthier, more holistic lifestyle as enjoyable and easy for you as possible!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Eat Like You're Pregnant

This year, I decided to really take care of myself.  I made a commitment to take active measures to control my stress levels (which are high, when you're studying medicine) as well as nourish my body with a whole foods diet that contains absolutely no flour or sugar.  I've been doing this for the past 5 months.

Thankfully, I have a few friends in this with me.  One of my friends was musing yesterday about our new lifestyle.

A: "I eat like all my pregnant friends."
Me: "What do you mean?"
A: "I try to eat as much organic produce as possible, I avoid all caffeine and all my foods are so unprocessed that they contain only one ingredient. Example: sweet potato.

My very clever friend made the distinction that when a new mother is eating for two, she will go out of her way to make certain that her body is as clean and healthy as possible so that her little bundle of joy can enter this world with the best head start possible.

So why don't we all try to eat like this all the time? We are, after all, eating for two: ourselves and our souls.

Take care of yourselves today and eat something you could pick off a tree or pull up from the ground.

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