One of the first things I noticed about student life at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine was how incredibly important the Morning Smoothie was to the average student. Every day I would witness my colleagues shuffle in to the first class of the day with matching Magic Bullet cups that contained different blended concoctions of fruits and vegetables.
For the first time in my life, everyone around me was forgoing the Egg McMuffin in favour of a fiber packed, nutrient dense super drink that could be easily whipped up at home, in the time it takes to say "I knew I shouldn't have hit the darn snooze button again". And why not? Everyone knows the benefits of a healthy breakfast as it sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Although I'm no expert, it occurred to me that I may know some great smoothie recipes since I enjoy one nearly every day. Pictured above is one of my favorite "Green Smoothie" recipes that can be found below:
1 handful of fresh spinach leaves (about 1 cup, loosely packed)
1 frozen banana, chopped into bite-sized pieces
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 tbsp peanut butter (can also use almond butter, tahini, cashew butter)
1 cup almond milk (may need a little more depending on desired consistency)
1 scoop Vega protein powder (or 2 tbsp Hemp protein)
1/2 tsp Spirulina powder
1 tsp Udo's 3-6-9 Oil blend
1 tsp raw honey (optional, depending on how sweet you like your smoothies)
Blend the almond milk and spinach in a hand held blender (I use my Magic Bullet) until there are no whole spinach leaves, as nothing is worse than getting a huge mouthful of raw spinach when you first dig into your smoothie. Add all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Enjoy immediately or save for the morning commute.
Note that the above recipe is very easy to change. For example, kale or broccoli instead of spinach, mango or fresh strawberries in place of frozen blueberries-let your imagination run wild with this and your taste buds will thank you!