
Thank you for visiting! Walking the Walk is meant to be a source to assist you in your quest for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Through my own lifestyle, I hope to give you creative ideas that make adopting a healthier, more holistic lifestyle as enjoyable and easy for you as possible!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Love Day!

I'm kind of a romantic.  So is F. Scott Fitzgerald.  We both wish you a Happy Valentine.

A day dedicated to reminding your family and friends about how much you love them is kind of awesome, so take full advantage of it!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day

I have this one friend who is hilarious.  A few years ago, she was working as a server for Valentine's Day and she had the following conversation with her boyfriend.

Her: "And all night they were playing that sappy love trumpet."
Him: "You mean the saxophone?" 

Happy (early) Valentine's Day to you all!  Hug a stranger and spread the love.