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Friday, June 29, 2012

Is "Kellog's" French for "Big Fat Liars"???

I'm sure you can tell from the title of this post that I'm a bit angry.  I have news, dear readers, of yet another corporation that is lying to their unsuspecting consumers by telling them that a product they sell is healthier than it actually is just to get their slimy hands on a few dollar bills.

I'm sure you've all heard of the cereal Kashi.  They seem to be everywhere now and they're making pasta and pizza crusts and god knows what else.  Turns out the only thing they can't seem to make is truthful labels.  What's going on? Well, Kashi has always sold itself by claiming to be natural and wholesome.  So many of their customers misbelieved that they were making their Kashi products from whole grains and unprocessed ingredients, but alas it is not so.  Turns out Kashi cereal uses GENETICALLY MODIFIED SOY PRODUCTS IN ALL THEIR KASHI PRODUCTS.

So what? Read this article on this smart Danish farmer that stopped feeding his sickly pigs GMO soy feed and they all got better! Hate to break it to you people, but we're animals too and we need good fuel just as much as those pigs.

What is making my SO ANGRY about Kellog's Kashi is that not only did they blatantly try to mislead their consumers, but they also denied their use of GMO soy publicly (aka lying), causing the Cornucopia Institute to publicly release their third party evidence that proved that Kashi was, in fact, using GMO soy.  Think of all those consumers who were trying to make a healthy choice in their lives just to be exposed to this confirmed toxic substance!  It's just as bad as putting lead paint on baby toys, in my humble opinion.  Read the full story by clicking here.

The moral of the story?
If you want to eat any type of cereal, better stick to plain old reliable oats.  Steel cut, rolled or quick it doesn't really matter; you get the fiber and a pure product, with no additives or preservatives and (for the moment, anyways) are completely GMO-free.

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