
Thank you for visiting! Walking the Walk is meant to be a source to assist you in your quest for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Through my own lifestyle, I hope to give you creative ideas that make adopting a healthier, more holistic lifestyle as enjoyable and easy for you as possible!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Have a (hemp) heart!

Whenever I heard the word 'hemp' I immediately thought of those little stores that often litter tourist areas and deal in paraphernalia dedicated to the enjoyment of a certain herbal relaxant that is usually enjoyed around 4:20 pm.

But did you know that the hemp plant is actually being touted for it's amazing nutritional properties? Enter Hemp Hearts, a seed from the hemp plant that offers many benefits like:
-being high in protein
-being a complete, balanced protein
-being high in omega-3 fatty acids
-providing lots of energy
-easily tolerated by people who have digestive troubles
-great as a weight-loss aid due to its ability to supress appetite
-great for people with diabetes as they are low in carbs and sugar

Being vegan, I am often concerned about getting enough protein and omega-3s in my diet but when I start every morning with 3 tbsp of hemp hearts on my oatmeal or in my green smoothie, I know I'm taking care of my protein and nutritional needs. Plus, with their nutty flavor, I actually enjoy eating them!

I purchase my Hemp Hearts from Acadia Wellness Clinic. It's $15 for 454g, but I've also found them in the organic food aisle in Superstore and, of course, in Community Health and Planet Organic.

For those who are interested, my Hemp Hearts are from a company based in Lethbridge called Rocky Mountain Grain Products and their phone number is (403) 329-1380 if you would like more information. The company is very good about sending little flyers that talk about the benefits of these little seeds.

Give them a try and see what you think, your tummy may thank you!

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