
Thank you for visiting! Walking the Walk is meant to be a source to assist you in your quest for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Through my own lifestyle, I hope to give you creative ideas that make adopting a healthier, more holistic lifestyle as enjoyable and easy for you as possible!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Nuit Blanche Exhibit

Yesterday was Nuit Blanche in Toronto.  Nuit Blanche is an incredible event where the entire city becomes an outdoor gallery from 7 pm to about 4 am.  Various artists are stationed in and around downtown and display performances, audiovisual art, or sculpture and literally everyone in Toronto walks around to see them all.

Although I really enjoyed it last year, this year I opted to stay in and hang curtains with M.  M joked that we might be mistaken for an installation piece by art watchers and that we would look up from our work to see a small crowd gathered outside the condo, trying to decipher the meaning of the piece.

The curtains were quite a lot of work (we ended up hanging 10 of them!), but they look phenomenal.  I thought I'd multitask and bake an acorn squash for dinner so that by the time we were done, the whole condo smelt  deliciously of autumn and it was the perfect accompaniment to my "Curtain Hanging Salad" (recipe follows).  The salad is topped with Terra Stix, which give it a nice crunchy element.  I got this idea while perusing Pusateri Market for inspiration.

Curtain-Hanging Salad
1 head romain lettuce, chopped
1 cup baby spinach
1/2 cucumber, diced
1 pear, diced
1 red pepper, diced
1 tbsp dulse flakes
1 tbsp raw, shelled sunflower seeds
2 tbsp Terra Stix

Combine together and toss with Dijon Mustard Dressing (recipe follows)

Dijon Mustard Dressing
1 part apple cider vinegar (raw, unpasterized)
4 parts oil (Udo's or evoo)
Dijon mustard, to taste

Put all ingredients in a small glass jar and seal with a lid. Shake vigorously and pour over salad. Serve immediately.
The Olive Oil Selection at Pusateri's

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